Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Here are a few pictures of Zach checking out and then delicately destroying the cute Duckie cake that Kelsie made him for his birthday.

Here is a picture of our trip to Greenbluff. Zach was petrified of the goats and the crowing Rooster :) Cousin Lily loved all the hustle and bustle and kept Grammie and Kelsie busy by running off every which direction to get into trouble.

This is a picture of Zach standing. . .he is also now walking and climbing and getting into just about everything :)

And yes. . .he really is that big of a stinker :). . .

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

One year older and still missing Samuel

Well, here we are. Zach is officially one!! And we have just passed Samuel's second birthday. We had a great party for Zach, complete with messed up cake and bubbles and friends and family. It was a great time. I will post pictures later, of course!

And Sam. Our dear Sam. It is so hard to believe that he would be two. I can't believe he's been gone that long. I miss him like it was yesterday.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Nine months old!

Zach is doing really well. After Croup he ended up with a double ear-infection and sinus infection, but now that we're past that, he's doing well. We are heading to Salem for a Memorial Day weekend visit. The past two years Granny and Grandpa Kenagy and Uncle Matthew have made the trip to Spokane, but Great-Grandpa Kenagy is getting ready for his trip to heaven so we are going to visit Salem this year and see Uncle Dan and Aunt Carly as well. Zach has two teeth and enjoys chomping on soft bites of whatever mom and dad are eating, often times throwing a fit when he is told "NO" :) but we'll take it. He's become much more interactive and is SO close to crawling. Zach got to go to his first Mariner's game in April and had his first garlic fries. He also go to wear his suit for the first time :) He will go to the dentist for the first time tomorrow! And has his nine-month check-up next week. NINE MONTHS!! WOW! Enjoy the pictures. One of them was taken during Zach and Lily's first pool party. Zach really enjoyed the warm weather this weekend. :)

Zach eating pizza at Grammie's house! Yum! Yum!

Smiley-pants!! Sitting in his new favorite toy, an excersaucer walker from the neighbor! I think this kid has more hats than anyone else I know!!
Hey mom! What's this?!? Can I eat it?
Hey look at me!! I'm sitting up!! YEAH!! Now I just need to work on my hair and my tan :)

Zach and Lily having their first pool party. Lily ended up taking over the WHOLE pool and Zach sat on the sidelines and watched :)

Zach's first Mariner's game with Uncle Jim and Aunt Nancy. Zach is sporting the daily giveaway. . . a Felix Hernandez jersey.

Zach enjoying his first. . .and second and third and fourth and fifth and sixth garlic fry at the game. :)

Zach sporting his suit for my cousin, Allison's wedding.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Catching up

It has been MONTHS since the last post. Here it is Spring and it was the middle of winter the last time I posted. At one point, the snow in Spokane was deeper than Zach is tall :) Zach has had Croup, which for those of you who don't know, causes a baby to sound much like a dying seal while struggling to get a breath, and is helped by a walk in the cold night air or a steamy stand in the bathroom while the shower runs. Zach has also succeeded in figuring out that if he rolls over from his tummy to his back he ends up stuck like a turtle and mad - which causes mommy and daddy to come in and flip him back over -oh fun! On top of that, mommy and daddy have also figured out what to do to make Zach giggle - playing peek-a-boo on the changing table, tickling his collar bone, wiggling fingers in his face, and letting the kitty run her tail along his feet and face. :) But enough about that. . .now for the good part :) The pictures :)

This is what we like to call the Rapper Z picture :)

This is Zach in his Easter outfit. Uncle Andrew says that all he needs is a cigar and he'd resemble C.S. Lewis :)

What a stinker! Zach learned to suck his bottom lip in and then POP!! it out. Pretty funny :)

It's pictures like these that make you wants kids and not just pets :) It doesn't get much cuter :)

Too bad he hasn't quite figured this out with food yet. . .in the hand, in the mouth. The initial food bite usually ends up making him gag, no matter how small. . .and 95% of the rest of the food ends up on the front of him or on the floor :)

Friday, January 4, 2008

Not so happy Zach. . .Really happy Lily

No children were harmed in the taking of these pictures :) Sad. . .
More Sad. . .
Most Sad. . . :)

Cousin Lily helping wrap presents. . .
Lily says, "Don't mess with me. . .I'm teething." And she already has two bottom teeth. :)

Between three and four months old

Hey Mom!! Look what I found!

Yummy! That's good!

I love Mommy!

The first big smile caught on camera.

WHAT was that?!?!

More Zach at four months. . .

This one is mommy's favorite. It is also very similar looking to a picture of mommy when she was this age.

What is that, Grammie?!?

We call this the smug look.

This one is daddy's favorite. Big Yawn!!

Zach about 4 months. . .

This series of pictures is adorable :) Kind of smiling, kind of smug. . .you choose :)

Grammie, get your finger out of my mouth!

This green elephant belonged to Mommy when she was little. . .soon after, Grammie's dog decided that it was hers:) Glad I didn't get it in my mouth :)

ooooo! I love my burp rag :)

Wide-eyed Zachy. Are we done taking pictures yet?

Our Family Christmas pictures

Zach at Christmas 2007

These are all pictures of Zach around Christmas. . .not on Christmas, mind you, as he slept through all of the important parts :) Mommy and Zach on December 18th (Mommy's birthday) in Coeur d' Alene.

Zach in the sleigh all by himself! He looks pleased. . .err something :)

AHHHH!! What the heck are you doing to me? Aren't these the antlers for the dog?!?

Zach and the stocking Mommy made for him. Yes, he's naked under there :)

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, I guess :)

Thanksgiving 2007 Pictures

The following pictures were taken by Tim's Uncle Bob at Thanksgiving (Yes, I am that far behind!) The first two are of Tim and Zach, the third is of all of us and the fourth one throws Bart into the mix :) Enjoy!!

Zach and Santa

Tim was hoping and hoping that he would scream. . .you know, for one of those classic first Santa pictures. And he seemed to be gearing up for it, but the second Mrs. Santa took him he calmed right down. Too bad, daddy :)