Friday, January 4, 2008

Not so happy Zach. . .Really happy Lily

No children were harmed in the taking of these pictures :) Sad. . .
More Sad. . .
Most Sad. . . :)

Cousin Lily helping wrap presents. . .
Lily says, "Don't mess with me. . .I'm teething." And she already has two bottom teeth. :)

Between three and four months old

Hey Mom!! Look what I found!

Yummy! That's good!

I love Mommy!

The first big smile caught on camera.

WHAT was that?!?!

More Zach at four months. . .

This one is mommy's favorite. It is also very similar looking to a picture of mommy when she was this age.

What is that, Grammie?!?

We call this the smug look.

This one is daddy's favorite. Big Yawn!!

Zach about 4 months. . .

This series of pictures is adorable :) Kind of smiling, kind of smug. . .you choose :)

Grammie, get your finger out of my mouth!

This green elephant belonged to Mommy when she was little. . .soon after, Grammie's dog decided that it was hers:) Glad I didn't get it in my mouth :)

ooooo! I love my burp rag :)

Wide-eyed Zachy. Are we done taking pictures yet?

Our Family Christmas pictures

Zach at Christmas 2007

These are all pictures of Zach around Christmas. . .not on Christmas, mind you, as he slept through all of the important parts :) Mommy and Zach on December 18th (Mommy's birthday) in Coeur d' Alene.

Zach in the sleigh all by himself! He looks pleased. . .err something :)

AHHHH!! What the heck are you doing to me? Aren't these the antlers for the dog?!?

Zach and the stocking Mommy made for him. Yes, he's naked under there :)

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, I guess :)

Thanksgiving 2007 Pictures

The following pictures were taken by Tim's Uncle Bob at Thanksgiving (Yes, I am that far behind!) The first two are of Tim and Zach, the third is of all of us and the fourth one throws Bart into the mix :) Enjoy!!

Zach and Santa

Tim was hoping and hoping that he would scream. . .you know, for one of those classic first Santa pictures. And he seemed to be gearing up for it, but the second Mrs. Santa took him he calmed right down. Too bad, daddy :)