Monday, February 16, 2009

No update for MONTHS, all due to. . .

Our busy life. . .what can I say. . .we have a little man, happy and healthy, climbs on everything. . .ends up with a new bump or bruise every day - no broken bones yet. Smiles with this cheesy grin and melts your heart :) He's taken to dumping out his toys and picking them up again, screaming "potty" at the top of his lungs as he runs to the toilet, but nothing ever comes of it :) He's a cutie, that's for sure. . .

Other news - we get to go to Hawaii in April. Fun in the sun for a week, which we'll probably need to make up for a plane flight with two kiddos under two ;)

Now the fun part!! Pictures:Zach is wearing a hat knit by his mother. . .:)